Area Health Education Centers (AHECs)
are funded initiatives to improve public health in underserved areas. Rural areas across the country need talented physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, midwives, dentists, and other health professionals to serve local populations.

The financial burden of medical training and depressed salaries often prohibit health professionals from establishing practices and staying in rural areas. With a constant influx of fresh talent, opportunities for professional development and broad community support, health services in these areas can remain vibrant.

Joining the resources of universities and teaching hospitals with community resources, all AHECs, including CVAHEC, support the recruitment and retention of health professionals in rural and underserved areas and improve public health for all citizens.

National AHEC Organization website

Southern Vermont AHEC Northeastern Vermont AHEC

In Vermont, the University of Vermont AHEC is the conduit to students, medical faculty, and all the resources of a teaching hospital; through CVAHEC, this learning flows into the Champlain Valley.

The Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center improves access to quality health care by working with community and academic partners to support healthcare workforce development through recruitment, retention and continuing education of health care professionals.

Learn more about Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center on the CVAHEC & the Community page!

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Champlain Valley AHEC




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