This page updated 12/31/2013



Achieving Safety - A CO*RE Community Approach to Comprehensive Pain Management, Improved Patient Care and Community Safety

Click here for more information on the program.

CVAHEC is on Facebook!

Follow us to get updates on health careers programs, events, continuing education opportunities, photos, videos, and other things we happen to find interesting.

New! Now Accepting Applications for the 5th Annual Focus on Health Careers Conference - Saturday, November 2, 2013


Information for Educators:

Champlain Valley AHEC wants you and your students to have information about BATH SALTS, a new substance abuse drug in Vermont. Students from UVM's College of Medicine, Stas Lazarev and Areg Zingiryan, are available to community high schools for a 30-45 minute presentation on the issue. They have given their presentation several times in the last 10 months, including a presentation at Grand Rounds for School Nurses. For more information on bath salts or a presentation at your school, contact either Stas at or Areg at .

Information for Parents, Educators and Students:

Dangers of Bath Salts Flyer

New! ICD-10 Coding Changes Coming to a Practice Near You (and Yours too!)

ICD-10 Notice

Summer 2013 Edition of Primarily Vermont Available

Primarily Vermont Summer 2013


2013 Cultural Competency for Health Care Providers Manual Available Online!

Cultural Competency for Health Care Providers manual... (.pdf file)

The 2013 edition of the Cultural Competency for Health Care Providers has been reformatted and revised to provide a NEW section on Bhutanese refugees and immigrants as well as a revised section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex (LGBTQI) individuals in Vermont to assist providers in the understanding and ability to provide care for these populations. Also, check out the section on Building a Culturally Competent Practice, which contains guidance to assist you in taking steps to implement change at the practice level. We would like to thank the 2012 SEARCH students from the University of Vermont's College of Medicine and the Masters of Social Work Program for their valuable contribution to this edition of the manual.


This manual is copyrighted and protected by the Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center.

Permission is granted to use this manual for non-commercial purposes if the material is not altered and proper credit is given to the Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center.

Permission is required if the material is to be modified in any way, broadly distributed, or used in connection with any commercial activity.

Please use the following citation:

Cultural Competency for Health Care Providers, Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center web site. Cultural Competency for Health Care Providers manual. Revised January, 2013. Accessed [insert date].

If you have any questions, contact Judy Wechsler, Education Resource Coordinator, Champlain Valley AHEC at x211, .

The Vermont AHEC Primary Care Workforce 2012 Snapshot is available.

Learn about important trends in Vermont's health care workforce. See which Vermont communities have a significant shortage of primary care providers for adults.

This snapshot aims to identify the distribution of all primary care physicians, physician assistants, certified nurse midwives and nurse practitioners in the disciplines of family practice, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics in Vermont.

Download the Vermont AHEC Primary Care Workforce  2012 Snapshot

AHEC Health Careers Directory

Published by VT Area Health Education Center Program, this directory and guide is designed to help middle school and high school students easily find a broad array of health careers and understand the educational preparation that is needed for those careers. They can also learn how to contact colleges, universities, and professional organizations that will provide them with more detailed information.

Please note: Due to the size of this Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file, download may take several minutes, depending on your online connection. If you prefer, you may receive a printed (hard-copy) by contacting Champlain Valley AHEC.

Clinical Tools for Community Providers
If you are a community provider, you can use the UVM Dana Medical Library resources through Champlain Valley AHECs HEALTH RESEARCH ASSOCIATE membership at no charge. For more information, see the Dana Medical Library Information for Champlain Valley AHEC Area Provider fact sheet.

If you are currently a College of Medicine Faculty Preceptor and have access to the UVM network, see the Dana Medical Library Information for College of Medicine Faculty Preceptors fact sheet.


Reference Guide Available for Latino Migrant Farm Workers in Franklin County

We are proud to present A Quick Reference Guide: Healthcare Access for Latino Migrant Farm Workers in Franklin County, Vermont. Developed by 2nd year UVM College of Medicine students David Larsen and Peter Cooch, the guide is available in either Spanish of English. This guide answers Frequently Asked Questions about healthcare access in Franklin County as well as giving information on how to make a medical or dental appointment, how to get low-cost care at NoTCH (Northern Tier Centers for Health), what to bring and what to expect at your appointment and tips on follow-up care and referrals.

English Version - A Quick Reference Guide: Healthcare Access for Latino Migrant Farm Workers in Franklin County, Vermont

Spanish Version - Un Guía de Referencia Rápida: Acceso a la Atención de Salud para Trabajadores Migrantes Latinos y Latinas en el Condado de Franklin, Vermont


92 Fairfield Street building

Please visit us at our new address - 92 Fairfield Street, .

We have upgraded our phone system and as a result have new extension numbers for all our staff. Our phone number remains the same - . The new extension numbers are as follows:

x210  Mary Horton, Administrative Coordinator

x211  Judy Wechsler, Education Resource Coordinator

x212  Helen Riehle, Executive Director

x213  Tammy Johnson, Database Manager

x214  Jocie Mueller, Health Careers Program Coordinator

x215  Jane Nesbitt, Health Careers Facilitator

Become a Fan of Vermont Health Care Careers on Facebook

Click the Health Care Careers icon to visit Vermont Health Care Careers on Facebook and then click "Become a Fan."

Vermont Health Care Careers is a part of Vermont’s Health Care Workforce Development Partners, comprised of Vermont health care professionals and organizations, including Champlain Valley AHEC.

Toolkit for Promoting Healthier Weight in Adult Primary Care

This toolkit was designed for primary care practitioners, with extensive input from the primary care community, to support the promotion of healthier weight with patients. The toolkit includes recommendations for the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obese adult patients in primary care.

Healthier Weight Toolkit...


The PTOPHELP (Practitioner to Practitioner Help) website was developed by Southern Vermont AHEC in 2002. Champlain Valley AHEC has joined with Southern Vermont AHEC to expand PTOPHELP's reach to include the Champlain Valley. Our long-term goal is to provide a comprehensive, statewide resource that enhances patient access to quality mental health care.

What is PTOPHELP? 
PTOPHELP is a free, non-commercial, web-based resource and referral directory designed to link primary care health practitioners with the mental health professional best suited to meet their patients' treatment needs. PTOPHELP provides free, online continuing education opportunities including video presentations, papers, and live teleconference events for both mental health professionals and primary care providers.

Visit PTOPHELP today.


News & Notes:

Welcome to the Online Home of Vermont's
Champlain Valley Area Health Education Center!






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